Home Insurance

Overview :

Home insurance, or house-owner/householder insurance as it is also known, is important, and you should purchase one.

Be it a humble hut or a bungalow, rented or owned, it is advisable to insure your house and belongings to guard against unforeseen risks.

In addition to protecting your home, the typical home insurance covers your valuable personal property as well. Your personal property could consist of your furniture, clothing, stereo, computer equipment, jewelry etc.

Home Insurance Coverage

A householder's policy covers damage to the house and contents from a very wide range of risks. There's a long list of itmes covered such as fire and allied perils, burglary and theft etc.

House Holders Insurance Riders

Terrorism cover: Covers any damages and losses to the structure and/or contents of home due to acts of terrorism.

Additional expenses of rent for alternative accommodation: If you are forced to shift into an alternative accommodation because your home is destroyed or damaged by any insured peril, the policy will cover you against the additional rent.

Home Insurance Exclusion

  • Willful destruction of property
  • Loss, damage, and/or destruction caused by war, wear and tear, atmospheric conditions etc.
  • Losses if home has been unoccupied for more than 30 days
  • Loss of cash, bullion,painting, works of art, and antiques
  • Loss to the structure and/or contents of home due to acts of terrorism

House Holder Insurance: Claims

There are several steps of filing a claim in case of house-holder's insurance. Relevant documents are also required. All you need to be doing is to log your claim by calling the insurer's helpline. Provide relevant information along with a duly completed form to the insurer while filing a claim.

Home Insurance Provider

Having adequate protection under a householder insurance plan means your losses are minimized in the event of an unfortunate incident, such as a burglary or damage. There are various covers available in householders. insurance. Depending upon you needs, you can opt for the ones that make sense to you. Covers include those for the house itself (the building) as well as for the contents of the house.

You might want to learn about the basic features of a householders. policy, such as exclusions in a policy or policy duration. You might also want to know what happens when a house covered under householders. insurance is sold. Or perhaps, the need for householders. insurance even if the co-operative society has insured the building? There might also be questions regarding the claims procedure, premiums, renewals, discounts, and so on.

Need a Home Insurance ?